P5 News
Shonan Tax Office No. 150
March 2002
New Application Form
National Tax Agency did publicity on income tax. It says that they must apologize people who came to report income tax on February 16th because Tax Office was closed on Saturday (2/16) and Sunday (2/17). They did not publicize enough; as a result, taxpayer who wanted to do income tax came to tax office early. National Tax Agency said that final income tax return starts on February 16th; however, 16th was Saturday and closed. Therefore, actual day was 18th. National Tax Agency distributed guidance of final income tax return, but it did not say Tax Office receive from February 18th.
The application form for income tax has changed from this year. The application form can classify type A and type B. Type A combines the form of refund of people who earned income and the form of public pension, etc. Type B includes earnings and real estate income.
Q & A about income tax
Q1. I have insurance, and I underwent surgery. My insurance company gave me hospitalization arbitrary and surgery arbitrary. In addition, after I discharged from the hospital, I will receive money 150,000 yen every three months for two years. How does that money affect income tax?
A1. That money classifies as tax-free. Therefore, it does not need to add income.
Q2. I get mileage points from business trips, and I used mileage personally. What will it happen about the imposition of taxes?
A2. They are subject to taxation because using mileage points to get gift and service is same as donation from the corporation.
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