P5 News
Shonan Tax Office No.144. Sep.1st, 2001.
The Starting Salary
This month, I would like to tell the story about the starting salary for the corporation that is thinking of hiring new employees next year. Many companies may think that there is no place for new employees because of the depression, but the managers always have to think ahead about the change of world in order to survive. The Welfare Labor Ministry has published the statistical data of a starting salary of the new college graduators by the wage structure basic statistic investigation.
The starting salary of medium and small-sized enterprises that have from about 10 to 100 employees who are graduated from the college is 193,000 yen (2000). Likewise, for women, it is 178,000 yen. According to this data, a starting salary has increased little so far; however, in last few years, it is that a breakage tendency is seen previous year always as the small corporations. Specifically, 1 to 2 % of ratio has decreased since 1995. It influences the salary, too. According to the investigation, the corporations that freeze the starting salary for the new college graduators of March, 2000 graduation have been rising to about 60 % of the corporations
The commercial law revision
We are surprised by the speed of the recent commercial revision, and it, which is revised from Oct. 1st, 2001, has big influence to us. One of the important revisions is to lift the ban on the safe stock. When we talk about “the safe stock”, we may think that it has nothing to do with small corporations, yet it does mean that. This is the story of the self stock of the company. According to old commercial law (210 article), the acquisition of the self-stock was prohibited. The company that owns the self-stock decreases the capital because it means that it returns capital that was once gathered from stockholder. Today, the acquisition of the self-stock was limited for only specific reasons; in addition, the self-stock has to be disposed as soon as possible. However, the revision law permits to have or buy self-stock optionally with accumulation profit. Furthermore, to dispose the self-stock early was not necessary anymore. The safe stock named after the meaning of that it could be stored in the safe. In the smaller business case, stockholders or inheritors want to sell the stock when they are dead or retires. In this case, the company has to find the new stockholders, and that is difficult thing to do, but the company can have self-stock now because of the revision law.
Another revision is abolition of the face value stock. Many smaller business do not publish the stock certificates, but if you do, say, you issue 200 stocks that is the face value of 50,000 yen, and will it made capital money 10,000,000 yen? In this case, basically it is fine. Also, it is fine when the stock certificates are published. The problem is that when people begin new business, how mush is it going to be. 1 stock can be published at the capital money of 10,000,000 yen, but it is unwise thing to do. Why? In the smaller business, it sometimes donates the stock that is a management right and a vote to a successor when trying to transfer a company. We can assume from this that we should not put too much price for 1 stock.
The revision of the stock sale taxation
By the revision that was done this year June, “the special subtraction system of 1,000,000 yen of long-range stock possession” was founded. The special subtraction occurs about the transfer income money of the long-range possession stock when it was sold by the bond trader of the storefront registration stock or listed stock that was possessed more than one year, and then if you choose the application of the declaration separation taxation, although, it is limited from October 1st, 2001 to March 31st, 2003.
In short, there will be no tax if the transfer benefit of the long-range possession listed stock formula that chose declaration taxation is less than 1,000,000 yen. Anyway, when you sell a stock and so on, you want to think about the possession periods in order to decide do the declaration separation taxation or the source separation taxation. The declaration separation applies 26 % of tariff to the transfer benefit; on the other hand, the source separation taxes 1.05 % of the sale income amount of money.